Transformational - Generative Theory: A Study on Al-Jurjani’s Linguistic Theory
Dr. Hassan Obeid Alfadly, Dr. Atef Abdel Aziz Moawad

Eastern and Western linguistic scholars have taken great interest in Medieval Arabic linguistic literature in general during the last decade or so. The current research investigates the trends of transformational and generative theory in the works of an outstanding individual author in the Medieval Arabic linguistics i.e. Abdul-Qaher Al-Jurjani (1087–1010 AD). The data of this research come from researching the principles of this theory in the Abdul Qahir literature: (Dala'il Al-E'jaaz) (Illustrations of the Inimitability), Asrār al-Balāghah (The Mysteries of Eloquence), AL-'AWAMIL AL-MA'AT (the one hundred governors or agents), and Almuqtasid fi sharh Aleihdah (the summary in elucidating the definition).This paper is an attempt to understand and analyze Al-Jurjani‟s linguistic theory in the light of generative and transformational theory.The theory of transformational and generative grammar refer to those rules and bases set by Chomsky (1957) in his books Syntactic Structures, and Aspects of the theory of Syntax.The former one represents the first stage of this theory, the latter is the second stage, and they both date Chomsky's transformational and generative theory. These principles and rules that Chomsky referred to have roots in Arab grammatical heritage. Old Arab grammarians introduced the idea of transformation to Arabic grammar – though they may not know this label. The rules that grammarians talked about include: preposing and postposing, deletion and increase, appreciation and interpretation, and bearing on the meaning ... etc. These rules are part of the rules used and developed by Chomsky.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijlc.v6n1a3