An Outline of a Theory of Expectation
Luiz Carlos Cagliari

The word expectation has been used since long time. It is a common lexical item. However, there are a few studies on its nature and functions. New perspectives on Cognitive Semantics created methodologies that allow new approaches to the theme. Language is a mirror of the mind and the language in use allows seeing how the mind functions. Expectation is closer linked to the speaker’s intention and to the hearer’s interpretation than to literal utterances. All communication process must be settled previously on some expectation. The speaker hopes that his hearer understands not only the literal discourse, but all untold information according to social use of the language. In this paper, the idea of expectation differs from the presuppositions, connotations and other pragmatic forms to interpret the discourse. Not only the speaker but also the hearer may create his own expectations, in the communicative process. The idea of expectation is the motivation for all kinds of thinking and speaking. It may emerge as an individual, a community, a social or a historical fact. All saying is interpreted within a frame of expectations.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijlc.v4n1a6