Noun Phrase Adjunction in Iraqi Arabic
Abdulkhaliq Alazzawie

This paper deals withnoun phrases that appear in two embedded structures in Iraqi Arabic. The structures are termed Exceptional Case-marking (ECM) and Left-dislocation (LD).The analysis is stated within a nonminimalist framework, specifically within the Principles and Parameters Syntax and its predecessorthe Government and Binding framework of Chomsky (1981) and subsequent work. It will be argued that the noun phases under investigation are both adjoined to CP and to TP respectively. However, they exhibit a number of contrasting properties such as the type of complementizer, the nature of the matrix verb under which these noun phrases are embedded. It will be argued that this collection of apparently unrelated properties can in fact be derived from the interaction of various sub-theories of universal grammar, among them, government, Case theory, theta theory, and the binding theory.It will be proposed that ECM is adjunction of NP within CP, LD is adjunction of NP within TP, ECM Case assignment is from a governing matrix verbal head and LD Case assignment is from a governing functional head, a complementizer.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijlc.v3n2a2