The Effect of Computerized Dynamic Assessment of L2 Writing on Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Development
Mohammad Davoudi, Maryam Ataie-Tabar

The present study investigated the effect of using a computerized dynamic test of writing (CDTW) on L2 writing performance of Iranian EFL students. 60 upper-intermediate junior EFL students from three different universities in Iran participated in this experimental study. Using an interventionist approach to DA, the researcher used CDTW as treatment providing students with a set of pre-formulated supportive hints embedded in three steps of pre-writing, writing-drafting, and reformulationduring the testadministration. It was found that through the interactive and strategy-based learning environment, CDTW could be used to assess students’ writing development. Also, the performance of the students improved in terms of the development of four major sub-skills of writing.The findings also indicated that low achievers could benefit more than high achievers from the implementation of CDTW. Students' attitude as measured by a questionnaire confirmed the effective role of computerized dynamic assessment procedures in writing development.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijlc.v3n2a16