Relationships in Action: Categorization in Gay and Lesbian Couples’ Talk
Brian L. Heisterkamp

A growing body of literature examines how relational partners maketheir relationships available through their conversational actions. Thisstudy extends that work through a Membership Categorization Analysis of the talk of gay and lesbian couples in order toidentify the conversational actions associatedwith membership in a same-sex couple. The data examinedinclude transcriptions of video recordings of gay and lesbian couples interacting during informal dinner occasions. Conversational actions identified include claims of intimate knowledge of one’s partner and discussions of relationship roles. I argue thatthese conversational actions are category bound to relational pairs, including same-sex couples. Findings are discussedin terms oftheir implications for identity constructionand gender role behavior.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijlc.v2n4a2