The Place of the Heart in Kakwa Proverbs
Jackson Waru Thomas, Yosa Wawa

This paper is about the linkage between proverbs and sociolinguistics among the Kakwa people of DR Congo, South Sudan, and Uganda. The paper is particularly limited to the Kakwa perceptions of the heart in their proverbs. Proverbs enrich language greatly and help in educating people morally, legally, philosophically, and aesthetically. A total of eighteen proverbs pertaining to the use of the heart were selected from Wawa’s book entitled Kakwa Proverbs with Introductory History, 2014. They were analyzed for their social settings among the Kakwa. It was found that the heart is central to anger, sorrow, happiness, bravery, and fear.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijlc.v12n1a4