God Phenomenon in Anglo-Saxon Mythological Image of the World
Tetiana Guzii

Linguistics and cognitive linguistics are considered to be the theoretical basis of concept analysis. Concept retains the knowledge, experience and cognition world processes of linguistic community; it reflects their culture and history and appears to be a kind of bridge that unites linguo-cultural, linguistic and cognitive approaches. The effectiveness of social interactions and appropriate communicative practices depends largely on the focus concept / conceptual cluster that turns out to be "interpretative prism". The concept GOD in Old English, which is the key one in mythological and religious image of the world is examined. In the mythological image it is seen in pagan traditions, in religious one – in the Christian culture. This paper highlights the concept in Anglo-Saxons mythological image of the world, the features of the pagan worldview, etymological and semantic properties of the concept GOD. The author represents linguistic features of concept GOD based on the material of Old English literature.

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